For those seeking a joyful, magical, and adventurous life!

Spring's most beautiful adventure to Piedmont, Italy. 03-10 May 2025

Intensjonen med denne retreaten !

9 Lifeenergies 2025, Fulfillment Retreat: Transforming the Seeds of Aspiration Into a Harvest of Fulfillment


Your Lifeenergy is essential in your Alchemy process!

If you want to become the person you want to be, you need to understand:

The Alchemy

Ah, "alchemy"!


Learn about
the 9 physical differences!

The 9 Lifeenergies is the teaching of a completely new state within your body.



Alchemy is an ancient practice that melds elements of chemistry, philosophy, and spirituality. Historically, alchemists sought to transform base metals into gold and attain immortality or enlightenment. In contemporary contexts, it often symbolizes personal transformation or the pursuit of inner enlightenment and wisdom. Learning from farmers in Piedmont adds an intriguing layer. Piedmont, known for its agricultural traditions, offers insights into natural processes and the wisdom gained from working closely with the land. This connection suggests that alchemical principles can be found not only in esoteric pursuits but also in the everyday rhythms of life.

The Inner Circle Team!

Team experience!

Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the transformative journey of awakening the 9 Life Energies, each member bringing their unique expertise to enhance your experience.

The program in Piedmont includes all the 9 Lifeenergies as an ingredients for you to taste the alchemy this special week. My exceptional Inner Circle /Lifeenergies Team will be with you every step of the retreat.

One free and very important live Coaching Call after the retreat!

Do you have questions?

We have answers!

How do we help you?

Answer: As soon as you’ve paid the deposit, you’ll gain access to our dedicated team, who will support you every step of the way. They’ll will assist you with your questions by providing clear, informative responses tailored to your needs. Whether you seek guidance, information, or clarification, we’re here to offer assistance and support. You can ask about a wide range of topics, and we’ll do our best to provide helpful answers and insights. Just let us know what you need help with, and we’ll be ready to assist you!

What unique qualities do you bring to this method that make your participation essential?

Answer: You are an important part of this method because your unique life energy contributes essential ingredients to the transformative process. Your presence adds depth and richness to the collective experience, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the method. Your active participation and engagement are key to unlocking the full potential of the program and achieving meaningful personal growth.

How do we learn about the 9 Lifeenergies in the retreat?

Answer: You need to physically awaken and integrate all 9 Life Energies, which we facilitate during our physical gatherings. It’s akin to embarking on an adventure or experiencing a profound “DISCOVERY.” The Alchemy Program in Italy is like an instant espresso shot for your transformation journey. You’ll learn more than ever before because we’ve meticulously gathered all the information amassed over the last 20 years and will share it with you.

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What People Say

About 9 Lifeenergies

  • Truly changed my life!

    "Learning about the 9 Lifeenergies has truly changed my life. It's a fantastic method for getting to know oneself better, improving relationships between people, and understanding the essence of life itself. I really look forward to meeting Morten and my friends in the Masterclass again. It's incredibly enriching to explore the different life energies and how they influence our lives".


    Kora Elholm
    Masterclass 2023

  • Totally calm, even under pressure”

    "I have been with Morten and his team for about a year. Many pieces in my life have fallen into place and I feel much more robust and ready. I have a more stable health both physically, and mentaly. The teachings have given me inner peace. Even if there is a storm around me, learning about 9 Lifeenergies has given me a powerful tools to keep calm...


    Torill Ruud
    Masterclass 2023

  • 9 Lifeenergies helped me understand who I am!

    "9 Lifeenergies" has helped me to understand who I am and what my strengths are. It has also helped me to understand others better and to be able to pay attention to other people and to meet other people in a better way than I did before."


    Thomas Grønning
    Certified in 9 Lifeenergies

  • He literally saved my life

    "I was in a depression, and my mental state was unstable. Morten helped me immensely. He is an incredible person. He finds approaches for everyone. After I started to attend morning meditations, I felt better and 'brighter' in my soul. It felt like he had known me my whole life. After meeting him, I felt 'clearer' in my mind and happier in my soul. I wanted to both laugh and cry! I began to understand more about what the 9 Lifeenergies entail. Morten determined that I am life energy 6, which helped me understand myself better. I felt like I had 'grown wings' and started to smile at people more!"
    Anna Galenko
    Retreat to Rondane
    Morning Meditations

Our Vision

"9 Lifeenergies" will go out into the world in multiple languages.

