The 9 Lifeenergies is a method that defines who you are at the deepest level.
When you awaken your Lifeenergy and learn about the other 8, you have a map and compass to continue developing for the rest of your life. Knowing who you are is absolutely crucial for transformation to occur.
Answer: As soon as you log in to your account, you will see a tab labeled “Program.” From there, you will have access to the “Basics 9 Lifeenergies Program,” along with other programs that delve deeper into the method. These include “Awaken The 9 Lifeenergies,” “9 Lifeenergies Step By Step Transformation Program,” and Inner Circle, which launches only once per year.
Answer: By answering the questions, you can begin to map out who you are. To find out for sure, you need a physical meeting with Morten or others who are certified in the physical method.
Answer: If you want to undergo a transformation, you need to physically awaken and integrate all 9 Lifeenergies. We do that at the physical gatherings. You can find our gatherings/retreats and programs on the homepage, or feel free to contact us if you want more answers.
I want to share thhis knowledge with you!
Morten Nygård
Founder of 9 Lifeenergies
"Learning about the 9 Lifeenergies has truly changed my life. It's a fantastic method for getting to know oneself better, improving relationships between people, and understanding the essence of life itself. I really look forward to meeting Morten and my friends in the Masterclass again. It's incredibly enriching to explore the different life energies and how they influence our lives".
Kora Elholm
Masterclass 2023
"I have been with Morten and his team for about a year. Many pieces in my life have fallen into place and I feel much more robust and ready. I have a more stable health both physically, and mentaly. The teachings have given me inner peace. Even if there is a storm around me, learning about 9 Lifeenergies has given me a powerful tools to keep calm...
Torill Ruud
Masterclass 2023
"9 Lifeenergies" has helped me to understand who I am and what my strengths are. It has also helped me to understand others better and to be able to pay attention to other people and to meet other people in a better way than I did before."
Thomas Grønning
Certified in 9 Lifeenergies